Sunday 28 April 2019

Easter Hol

Apologies for lack of posting recently, I have several reasons/excuses. Firstly, my laptop decided it had had enough and completely gave up the ghost. Mild panic ensued and the credit card took a hit as I rushed to get a new one, then it all needed setting up and required me to remember passwords and awkward things like that. Hard on the heels of this we had a week away, we went to North Norfolk for a week, which apart from snowing one day, was lovely. When we came back, I was straight into working again and trying to organise myself. I still have things to sort out with my computer before I can work properly again, but I'm back on track. Now the Bluetooth on my phone has given up, so I think I'm probably looking at getting another phone. If I ever reach positive figures in my bank account again it will be a minor miracle. I need to win the lottery I think. The sketch above was the garden of the holiday home. I didn't get to draw as much as I hoped.

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