Monday 19 March 2018

Black Shuck

I've been thinking about black Shuck this week, the huge black dog with red eyes that haunts the Suffolk and Norfolk lanes. This is my drawing of him. The first drawing I did reduced black shuck to looking like a cross highland terrier, but you have to start somewhere. This black shuck I've done looks like he's bringing up a fur ball but it's all a work in progress. I love these folk tales and legends. We had a week without hot water, fortunately before the second cold snap started. I can't tell you how lovely it was to have a hot shower instead of having to boil a kettle and have a strip down wash. Makes you appreciate things like having hot water on tap (most of the time). We have an electrician in today as he temporarily wired the boiler up on Friday but has come back to do a proper job today. The cats are not happy, they don't like strangers. They don't actually like family but will live with it but strangers are a total no go. One is presently under my bed and the other is sitting somewhere in the garden out of the wind, I hope. That's cats - not strangers. I have a very busy week this week. That's good.

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