Monday, 27 April 2020

In Lockdown

Well, lockdown has been a laugh, hasn't it? I'm very lucky and have been counting my blessings. My only problem is that I work mainly in care homes and as they have all locked down I have exactly no money coming in. Which is stressful. So, I'm trying to keep working to keep sane and just hoping for the best. I actually like having the time to myself and the peace and quiet (very lucky), so I'm trying to make the most of it as we all know that it won't last forever and what comes after may be more stressful as we try to find places in the strange new world. I can't see that I'll be getting back to work any time soon, as the care homes and their staff seem to have been forgotten and heavenly only knows how long it will take them to revive, if they can. I may be starting from scratch again, only with debts from this lockdown time. I've decided to cross those bridges when I get to them though. There's no point in worrying when you can't actually do anything to put anything right. At least I've not had to deal with catching the virus yet. I hope everyone out there is doing ok.

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