Sunday 21 January 2018

Sunday Snow

It snowed this afternoon. This is Suffolk for goodness sake. The rest of the country gets snow. We're not supposed to. It was quite pleasant as I didn't have to go out and it's raining now, so apart from worrying about if it will all freeze, no harm done. We're another week closer to spring. The cats are far from happy. Flo copes better than R.J. She will go out and get wet in the rain, then in and straight to me so I can dry her off. R.J hangs around by the door asking to go out. When you open the door, he will stick his head out and watch it raining intently for a while, then come into the house, walk round in a circle and end up at the door asking to go out just two minutes after he last looked out. I think he thinks it might have stopped raining and dried up in that time. I also think that he imagines that we have a magic button to make the weather better but that we choose not to use it. Still, two months until spring.

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