Sunday 18 February 2018

Cancel Everything

I have not felt this rough for years. I really went down with the awful cold that is going round. Managed to get myself up but only to sit in an arm chair and feel terrible and sleep all day. It's taking such a long time to go too. I've had to cancel homes as I'm frightened that it could do quite a bit of damage to someone who is slightly more vulnerable as I'm supposed to be relatively fit. I feel like death warmed up. Also my cousin's son was in a terrible head on collision in Norfolk this week. Thank God he was ok, although he's still in intensive care with compound fractures and looking at more ops in future. The main thing is he is still with us all and will hopefully mend nicely in time. Enough of my whinging. Flowers are coming up and the weather appears to be brightening - it's almost like I can believe spring is coming. Not going to count my chickens yet though. This last week has been extremely tough.

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