Monday 20 August 2018

More Mice

Been drawing hares again this week, lots of them in different lights and settings, just seeing what I like or don't like and trying things out. I haven't really felt 100% this week so it's been nice to sit down and get absorbed with something. I'm not so happy with the front paws on this one. I'm beginning to think I have a talent for getting mice to go into jam jars and putting them out in the garden. We had another one this week, sitting there in the corner of the kitchen looking frightened. I guess that R.J had brought it in to play with and that it had escaped. Both cats had been quite crafty - they weren't chasing it round or drawing attention to it. R.J had taken up sleeping on one of our kitchen chairs and we had commented on it, as he usually prefers the comfort of the living room. That was our only clue. Once again, I put the jam jar down. It ran inside and I took it out into the garden and put it somewhere I didn't think cat paws would reach. We've had a few dead on the patio too this week. Mum fell over in the garden this week, fortunately she was ok apart from some scrapes and swellings. We spent nearly four hours in accident and emergency for her to have an x-ray. All was well though. We'd phoned the doctor previously and he advised us to go straight to A&E as he would only have to send us down there anyway if he had checked it over. I'm glad all this happened last week as I have quite a busy week this week. We also have my brother and his family coming this weekend, so that should be rather nice.

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