Tuesday 11 September 2018

Autumn Angst

I have been sketching around with hares again this week. This one was using a silver paint in the moon but I think I prefer it white. I was trying to make the hare ears look slightly transparent as well, but I don't think that was fantastically successful. Not sure about the touches of yellow either. Still, that's what all this playing is about - seeing what works and what doesn't. It did lead into a black and white design which I will probably post next week. One thing leads you into another, I've had another thought which I hope to put onto paper fairly soon too. I think the Autumn is pretty much here. It's a lot cooler, there are mists in the morning and the farmer has turned over the earth in the fields that are opposite us. The crows and seagulls have been looking for all the exposed bugs and worms. It makes me feel a bit down as I'm not a fan of sun and heat but I really miss the warmth and brightness when it goes. The colours of Autumn are beautiful though, I really look forward to seeing them.

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