Monday 28 May 2018


I've been messing around with art things this afternoon which has been very pleasant. I got a notification from google before I came on here, something to do with all this stuff about privacy and what information is collected about you. Apparently, I am supposed to make my readers aware of it. I can't actually see why, as I'm not collecting information about people on my blog. Apart from being interested in which countries visit, and the generally interesting bits like how many people have viewed, I really have no wish to collect information. As far as I'm concerned it's only the search engines and platforms that are collecting info to give to others. They get paid for it. Why would I want to collect anybody's information? Do they not think I have a life? So to sum it all up, big brother may be watching you, I don't know, but it's not me and if it is then I have never asked anyone to do it. I've asked for more information.

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